Sunday, February 1, 2015

UAS Integration into the NAS


The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) that is currently being developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and it aviation industry partners is looking to modernize the current National Airspace System.  NextGen will be a Global Positioning System (GPS) based system rather than the radar based system that we currently use.  While Next Gen is composed of many other components than GPS this feature is what will assist in the integration of UAS into the National Airspace (NAS).

A major factor in the safe operation of UAS in the NAS is the sense-and-avoid capability (SAA) that many systems are lacking at this time.  While several SAA systems are currently under development none of them have been operationally deployed.  UAS will need to meet or exceed the same level of SAA that manned aircraft do.  Figure 1 shows a comparison of SAA between manned and unmanned aircraft.

Figure 1. A comparison between manned and unmanned aircraft SAA capabilities. (MITRE Corporation, 2011, slide 5)


Next Gen is a new Air Traffic Control (ATC) system that with the use of GPS will allow more efficient flights and greater safety while allowing more planes into our already congested airspace.  By making more efficient departures, flight routes, and arrivals Next Gen will save billions of dollars in fuel costs which in turn saves fuel and is better for the environment because fewer emissions are released into the atmosphere.  Next Gen will not only save money and fuel but it will make flying more enjoyable for passengers and allow freight to be flown more efficiently and quickly due to more flights and better routes.

There are many hardware and software components that make up the NextGen system along with new regulations, procedures, and guidelines to be used by aviation industry.  UAS will need to fit into the NextGen system the same as any other aircraft.  There will be many challenges in doing so including aircraft design and aircrew training but they are not insurmountable problems.

UAS in NextGen

There are many hurdles to allowing UAS unrestricted access to the NAS.  This encompasses everything from UAS manufacturing, flight operations, crew training, aircraft capabilities, and maintenance.  Like manned aircraft UAS will need to meet FAA standards in all of these categories to be allowed to fly in the NAS.  “To gain full access to the NAS, UAS need to be able to bridge the gap from existing systems requiring accommodations to future systems that are able to obtain a standard airworthiness certificate.” (Integration, 2013, p. 6)  The Airline Pilots Association backs this sentiment up and their position is that no UAS should be allowed into the NAS until they meet all the same standards that manned aircraft do. 

“This means the aircraft must be designed to have the same types of safety features, reliable, redundant systems and maneuverability as the other airspace users. UAS operators must meet all the certification and fitness requirements of air carriers, and the ‘pilots’ flying the UAS aircraft must meet equivalent training, qualification, and licensing requirements as pilots of aircraft in the same airspace.” (Air Line Pilots Association, International [ALPA], 2011, p. 1)

While most of the requirements that the ALPA feel are necessary for UAS to fly in the NAS are sound many of them show a lack of understanding and possibly a bias to keep UAS out of the NAS.  For example, there is no valid reason that a UAS pilot needs to have the fitness requirements of manned pilot. UAS pilots remain on the ground and do not encounter the same physical stresses that manned pilots do.  While an aviation medical should be required separate guidelines will need to be established for UAS.  Currently U.S. Army UAS operators are required to have a military Class IV physical which is the same level as ATC personnel.

UAS Type

The size and use of UAS will greatly influence their ability to fly in the NAS and the limitations that will be placed on them.  While all UAS will be required to meet minimum standards their size and role will determine where and how they can fly in the NAS.  For instance, a backpack capable UAS that is being used for search and rescue applications will be very restricted on the type and amount of equipment it can carry because of size and payload capacity.  Because this type of UAS will be unable to carry the necessary equipment to fly unrestricted in the NAS and because its mission will not require this it will most likely be restricted to radio control (R/C) aircraft type restrictions.  This would limit the aircraft to flying at less than 400’ AGL and within visual range of the operator at all times.  A larger aircraft such as a Predator class UAS will be required to meet all NextGen requirements such as full sense-and-avoid capability and ADS-B along with all the other required equipment and capabilities for NextGen operations.  Because this type of UAS has the ability to carry this equipment and its mission will most likely require it they will have to meet these standards.

Human Factors

The biggest human factor that will be involved with the integration of UAS into the NAS with NextGen will be the proper design and implementation of the UAS Ground Control Station (GCS).  The GCS is already the weakest link concerning the safe flight of UAS mainly because most current generation GCSs were rushed into service for military use and did not take human factors into account.  The fact that there is no established standard for UAS GCS design across manufacturers is a major factor in this.  While current GCSs already do a poor job of providing critical information to the operator/pilot in an intuitive and easy to use format the problem will only get worse with the increased level of information equipment required by NextGen.  UAS have a leg up on many manned systems because they are already highly GPS based and this will be in the UAS favor during the transition but proper human factors considerations will be a key point that needs to be addressed.  If future GCS design does not have a human factors standard to conform to and UAS continue to have a higher than normal accident rate because of this it will severely limit the ability of UAS to fly in the NAS.

Lost Link

Because UAS are susceptible to lost link there will need to be procedures and requirements in place to standardize what a UAS does in the case of lost link.  This will again be affected by the size, type, and mission of the UAS.  Small within visual range UAS may have a requirement to return to the launch point and land immediately upon lost link while larger UAS flying Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) will need to fly to appropriate loiter areas and broadcast lost link on ADS-B and other systems. 

Current systems for UAS lost link do not give ATC a high enough confidence level that they can adequately predict and reroute traffic for safe operations.  In some cases where a working relationship has been established and ATC is fully aware of UAS lost link procedures operations can be safely conducted.  However, with full NAS integration this will not always be a viable solution.  Figure 2 shows a flow chart representing lost link reporting and ATC reaction capability.

Figure 2. UAS Lost Link Predictability flow chart. (MITRE Corporation, 2011, slide 10)

As NextGen and UAS mature larger aircraft may be able to use NextGen and SAA equipment to land autonomously at their home airport without disruption of other air traffic and greatly reducing or eliminating the predictability problem altogether.


While there are many challenges ahead for UAS to be integrated into the NAS along with NextGen it is critical that they do so.  The benefits and unique capabilities that UAS bring are vital to national defense as well as the national economy.  UAS have many capabilities that will make this transition easier such as accurate autopilots and GPS based navigation but because of their vast difference in size and capabilities UAS will require specific regulations that will differ from manned aircraft.  SAA capability and Lost Link procedures will be some of the biggest issues that will need to be resolved for this to happen.  While this will take time and a lot of work these issues are not insurmountable.



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